Sunday, September 11, 2011


Taking a moment to remember 9/11/01. I can't believe it has been ten years!I can remember the horror like it was yesterday. Strangely, I can't remember what I was doing, or what I did. My husband reminded me that my son had an IEP that day and we went to it. How weird is it that my mind is completely blank. All I can remember is standing in front of the TV with my hand to my mouth just feeling numb and horrified.
Watching the tributes today brings back that feeling. I had to force myself to stop watching. Suddenly I couldn't breathe. My heart pounded and my head was full of the sound of silence. It was the silence that got to me.
The silence and the pictures of people jumping. For some reason, 10 years ago, I didn't realize that the "things" falling from the sky were people. To have the pictures thrust into my face now is unbelievable and makes it oh-so-real.
So many people died that day in NY, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. So many heroes were made that day. All I can do is let the tears fall, again, and try not to feel so helpless and defenseless, again.
Life goes on, but I will always remember 9/11/01.